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Alano Club / AA / Al-Anon Interrelatedness

Isn't the Alano Club and AA the same thing?

There are sometimes misconceptions and confusion regarding the interrelatedness between the Alano Club and Alcoholics Anonymous/Alanon.

The Club operates as a business whose revenues come from renting the meeting room, membership dues and occasional fundraisers. Alano Club expenses consist of upkeep and maintenance of the facilities, utilities, and other overhead expenses necessary to operate.

The following are some organizational contrasts between the Alano Club, AA and Alanon. 

There are some AA members who are very sensitive to any mixing of AA business with Alano Club business. Alano Club announcements should always be made under “Non-AA Announcements.” The Alano Club is a totally separate entity from AA, NA or Alanon.

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